Professional Development
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State Guidelines

The purpose of professional development is to educate and improve the entire staff. AB1725 funds Professional Development activities in California community colleges. The Flexible (Flex) Calendar allows community colleges to set aside 1-15 days of the state-mandated teaching year (175 days) for Professional Development purposes. This time is to be used primarily by faculty for Professional Development activities related to staff, student and instructional improvement (Title 5, section 55720).

Authorized Uses Of Professional Development Funds

The authorized uses of Professional Development funds as outlined in AB1725 by the State Chancellor's Office are:

  • Improvement of teaching.
  • Maintenance of current academic and technical knowledge and skills.
  • In-service training for vocational education and employment preparation programs.
  • Retraining to meet changing institutional needs.
  • Intersegmental exchange programs.
  • Development of innovations in instructional and administrative techniques and program effectiveness.
  • Computer and technological proficiency programs.
  • Courses and training which implement affirmative action and upward mobility.
  • Other activities determined by the Board of Governors to be related to educational and professional development pursuant to criteria established by the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges.

Classified Staff and Administrators

Classified employees and administrators have no Professional Development requirements at this time, but are encouraged to participate in Professional Development activities with the approval of their supervisors or managers.

Last Updated: 06/09/2020
  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District